Community Events

Decoding Dyslexia Monthly Meeting @ Portland Providence Medical Center
Jan 5 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Marydee Sklar PastedGraphic-3

Join us at 6 pm for a meet and greet!  Topic: Tips to Help Your Student Succeed: Introduction to Executive Function Skills by Marydee Skylar



Middle School Summer Camp for Kids with Learning Differences @ Hood River
Jan 13 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Pat Maguire and Colleen O’Mahony from Edison High School will be describing their Summer Program for middle school children.
Edison High School Summer Program

The Dyslexia Friendly Classroom @ Portland Providence Medical Center
Feb 2 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


presented by Emily O’Connor,M.A.T.

Join us at 6 pm for a meet and greet!

For more information:

      Please RSVP

The Dyslexia Friendly Classroom @ Columbia Gorge Chapter
Feb 17 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Come at 6:00 pm for a meet and greet!

The Dyslexia Friendly Classroom

Safety, Structure and Support

By Emily O’Connor, PDX Reading Specialist, LLC

Please join us to learn:

  • What does an inclusive classroom look like in practice?
  • What are guiding principles to consider when designing an inclusive classroom?
  • How can a teacher make a classroom “friendly” for the struggling reader?
  • What are communication strategies parents of struggling readers can use when
    communicating with teachers?

Emily O’Connor is a Portland reading specialist and certified Barton tutor and Dyslexia Screener. Her area of expertise includes working with children who experience dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia. She has been trained in a number of different programs including: Handwriting Without Tears, Excellence in Writing, Slingerland and Making Math Real. Emily received her M.A.T from Lewis and Clark.

Teachers – Earn 2 ProfessionalDevelopment Units for $20. Make checks payable to
Lewis and Clark College. Certificates will be mailed to you following the event.

Location: Hood River Hotel, 102 Oak St., Hood River

ORBIDA — LECTURE: “Body, Mind, and Heart, Interventions to Help Families with Children with ADHD” @ Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center
Feb 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

AUDIENCE: Primarily families, but all providers, educators, and community members are welcome

CONTENT: In this lecture, the most cutting edge research and practical advice will be presented to families and community members alike as it relates to assisting children and families with children with ADHD. Topics will include:
• Valuing Neurodiversity
• The organic nature of ADHD and the human brain
• The best current understanding about ADHD as a difference in Executive Functioning
• Interventions for children and families that address the experience of ADHD in the body, the mind, and the heart/spirit
• Forward and holistic approaches of philosophy as intervention

SPEAKER: Aaron Tabacco

Link to register and for more details:

Special Education Law: Know your Rights @ Portland Providence Medical Center
Mar 2 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

disabilty rights logoby Chris Shank, Attorney with Disability Rights Oregon

Join us at 6 pm for a meet & greet!

What Parents and Teachers Need to Know About Learning to Read @ Columbia Gorge Chapter
Mar 10 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Cheryl Anthony in Hood River
Cheryl Anthony, Successful Learning Educational Services, LLC

Come at 6:00 pm for a meet and greet!

Location: Hood River Hotel, 102 Oak St., Hood River

ORBIDA Annual Conference @ Embassy Suites Portland - Airport
Mar 14 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

Keynote speaker topic:“Enhancing Reading and Spelling Instruction in the Public Schools: Using Orton-Gillingham for All Students” by Ronald Yoshimoto, M.Ed, M.S.W. 

PRESENTATION: Using OG to enhance the reading and spelling skills for all students will be the focus of this all day seminar.The presenter will discuss the OG framework and discuss the impact of OG in reading scores in Hawaii and Colorado in public schools where OG is used in general and special education classrooms.

He will then share the scope and sequence for teaching decoding and encoding. The main emphasis of the session will be on lesson planning and demonstration of procedures for teaching reading and spelling.

Materials and worksheets (on a CD) will be provided to allow the participants to use OG in the classrooms on Monday.

This is a research-based presentation. The participants will:

1)  Develop an understanding of dyslexia and Orton-Gillingham in this one day conference
2)  Gain an overview of the OG framework in teaching reading, spelling and writing – philosophy, scope and sequence, lesson planning and procedures
3)  Be able to use OG multisensory procedures for teaching reading and spelling – fingerspelling, tracing, etc.
4)  Understand the need for structured, systematic and phonetic teaching practices in literacy instruction
5)  See the potential for OG in teaching general and special education students as well as English Language Learners using this framework.

To register and for more information:

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Ronald Yoshimoto, M.Ed, M.S.W., is a Fellow of the Academy of Orton-Gillingham (OG) Practitioners and Educators (AOGPE). He has more than 30 years’ experience in the fields of social work, education and dyslexia. He has been a social worker, counselor, teacher, educational diagnostician, principal, consultant and teacher trainer. He was principal of ASSETS School, a private school for students with dyslexia and gifted children, for 18 years.




ORBIDA LECTURE: “Optimizing Outcomes for Families with Children with ADHD through Family Nurse Care Coordination: New Options for SW Washington” @ Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center
Mar 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

CONTENT: In this lecture, I will present an overview of Family Nurse Care Coordination as a modality suited to collaborative, community-based care of children with ADHD as one area of new services being brought to SW Washington to serve families with children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Results and findings from several key local clinical trials on care-coordination and case management in this population will be presented based on work we conducted at OHSU from 2006 – 2012. A full description of this interdisciplinary clinical model and the practice approach will be presented as well as materials provided for referring families to services. I will be available for a space of time to network and set appointments with providers for continued discussion and collaboration.

SPEAKER: Aaron Tabacco

Link to register and for more details:

Accommodations: Don’t Go To School Without Them!  @ Portland Providence Medical Center
Apr 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

presented by Barb Steinberg of PDX Reading Specialist, LLC

Description: A person in a wheelchair overcomes stairs with a ramp. A student with dyslexia overcomes obstacles with accommodations. In this informative and engaging talk, Barbara Steinberg will address appropriate accommodations, how to get them, and how to make sure they are implemented. Furthermore, Barbara will give parents and educators strategies to use with students who fear “looking different” because they learn differently.

Join us for a meet and greet at 6 pm!

Barbara_steinberg web photo