PPS Literacy and Dyslexia Focus
Portland Public Schools (PPS) has been taking action to help students with dyslexia and all learners read since the 2015 and 2017 legislation.
- PPS, Office of Teaching and Learning is focused on improving literacy for all learners and currently started a pilot program to train a cohort of teachers in LETRS.
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- (PPS) has a dyslexia page of resources for parents and educators regarding dyslexia.
- PPS has outlined a plan to address the legislation of 2015 and 2017.
- PPS Board of Education voted unanimously in support of a Resolution that recognizes that dyslexia has significant educational implications that must be addressed; and designates October 2017 as “Dyslexia Awareness Month”. Below is a copy of that Resolution: PORTLAND PUBLIC SCHOOLS: RESOLUTION No. 5514
Lake Owego School District
LOSD has an online handbook of resources and information for educators and parents.
If your school district has implemented resources to support students with dyslexia, please feel free to contact us and let us know. We would like to add them to this list.