Family Dyslexia Cost Survey
We created the Family Dyslexia Cost Survey to help us gain a clearer picture of the costs that families bear in order to meet the educational needs of their children with dyslexia. This survey was created in 2015 and distributed via social media.
Teacher Preparedness Survey
We created the Teacher Preparedness Survey to gain a clearer picture on the perceptions of Oregon teachers about how well their University or teacher preparation program equipped them to understand, identify, and implement evidence-based strategies to ensure all struggling readers succeed, including students with dyslexia. The survey was distributed via email and social media during the summer of 2016.
Dyslexia Legislation Survey
We created the Dyslexia Legislation Survey for Oregon parents and teachers to seek a clearer picture on the impact of the recent 2015 & 2017 dyslexia legislation. The survey is now closed.